Life Enrichment

  • Staying Fit at any Age

    Are you feeling challenged to stay fit as you get older? If so, you’re not alone. Metabolism begins to slow with age, and a healthy diet and a little exercise aren’t always enough to keep fitness at an even keel. For people in their 30s and 40s, some experts recommend increasing cardiovascular activities to boost……

  • Cub Scouts, AlmaVia of San Rafael Residents Come Together to ‘Age Out Loud’

    Residents of AlmaVia of San Rafael recently teamed up with local Cub Scouts to plant flowers, enjoy the sunshine and — in keeping with the Older Americans Month theme — Age Out Loud. On April 30, members of the 4th-grade Webelos Cub Scouts paid their first visit to AlmaVia of San Rafael to participate in……

  • Sharing Stories, Sharing Meals & Sharing Art

    Elder Care Alliance and the Northern California Chapter of the American Art Therapy Association co-hosted an open studio this past weekend. It was wonderful to share an art space with those working in and around the creative art therapy field. Among our participants were several art therapists, an art student from California College of the……

  • Bringing Generations Together

    Studies have found that intergenerational relationships can benefit both older and younger people in a variety of ways. From learning new skills to relieving loneliness, interaction between seniors and youth opens up a world of opportunities for new experiences. At AlmaVia of San Francisco, intergenerational programming plays a significant role in providing our residents with……

  • Spring Activities at AlmaVia of San Rafael

    Blooming flowers and trees mark the beginning of spring here at AlmaVia of San Rafael, and spring also represents a busy time for community partnerships and upcoming events. Webelos Scout Visit On April 30 at 2 p.m., members of a local Cub Scout pack will visit AlmaVia of San Rafael. The group of Scouts, who……

  • Tips for Seniors Who Want to Dive into Social Media

    Think seniors don’t use social media? That’s so 2013. In 2017, seniors are adopting social platforms for a wide variety of uses well beyond keeping tabs on grandchildren. A recent study from Michigan State University found that online networking can reduce loneliness in seniors and may even give their health a boost. More than 95……

  • Bring Your Hobbies: Assisted Living Offers Stimulating Hobbies and Activities

    As you consider a move to assisted living, you may fear having to give up beloved hobbies and activities. But the truth is, assisted living communities encourage residents to continue the pastimes they love – and may even offer unexpected activity options. In modern assisted living communities, available activities and hobbies have expanded to fit……

  • Redefining Age Through Art

    What’s the best part of being your age? How would you show that artistically? Elder Care Alliance, in collaboration with LeadingAge, sponsored ReDefining Age: A Square Foot Art Show in order to gain insights into individuals’ perspectives on the best thing about their particular ages, exploring the topic through art. Organized by Erin Partridge, an……

  • Creating Connections Across Generations

    A local Boy Scout brings video-chat technology to senior living residents of AlmaVia of Camarillo. Every Sunday morning, 16-year-old Ben Baker video chats with his grandparents in Connecticut. They talk about what Ben is doing at school and his Boy Scout activities. “It’s great because I can talk to them and see them even though……

  • San Francisco Seniors Celebrating Culture, Making Connections

    Bay Area senior living residents connect with community members at a St. Patrick’s Day event. For a few hours every March, a little piece of Ireland comes to AlmaVia of San Francisco. Each year, the dining room fills up with residents and staff for an afternoon of traditional Irish entertainment put on by the United……