Assisted Living in California

Elder Care Alliance’s California assisted living communities provide caring support and wellness services to residents who need assistance with personal care, coordination of health care services, medication management, and other services. Our goal is to help seniors continue to live as independently, with some help when needed. Short-term stays may be available.

Hands holding

Assistance with Daily Living

Our caring staff gets to know each resident. Some of the help available include help with activities of daily living (like bathing, grooming, dressing), laundry, and housekeeping. It may also include managing medications and escorting residents to the dining room, activities, or events.

Assisted Living Services

Each resident’s spacious living space features a 24-hour call system, allowing residents to get help any time. Other services to support our residents and enhance daily life in each community include:

  • Wellness programming
  • Organized physical and life enrichment activities
  • Full calendar of social programming and events
  • Delicious meals served in restaurant-style dining rooms
  • Scheduled transportation out in the community, including medical appointments, trips, shopping, and entertainment events
  • Spiritual care services and faith-centered classes and groups
  • Coordination with health care providers
  • Family support groups and education
  • Experienced and compassionate caregivers and staff
  • Nurses onsite at our four assisted living communities
All it takes is 5 minutes

Programs for Healthy Aging

Elder Care Alliance communities offer a variety of enrichment programs, including:

Elder Care Alliance Assisted Living Communities

All Elder Care Alliance apartment homes offer studio, one-bedroom or two-bedroom options. 

AlmaVia of Camarillo | Elder Care Alliance

The quality of LOVING care there was absolutely amazing. Helpful, friendly staffB.D.Mercy Retirement and Care Center

Where to Begin

This is a new transition and there are many things to consider. Start here to find out your options and what others have experienced before you.

What are my options?

Is it the right time?

Financial Planning

Resident Stories