
  • A Day in the Life – Skilled Nursing Patient

    A Day in the Life – Skilled Nursing Patient

    When you or a loved one experiences an accident or severe acute illness, you deserve to find a care plan to help you regain independence. You might feel hesitant to choose skilled nursing care, especially if you’re unfamiliar with how this type of care works daily. To help you prepare for this type of care,……

  • Is Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic?

    Is Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic?

    For older adults, losing the ability to remember things and experiencing cognitive decline are some of the most terrifying prospects of aging. Recent research suggests that slightly over 10% of people 65 years and older have Alzheimer’s. You and your loved one might be anxious to know if you have inherited the disease or are……

  • The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The days of ill-fitting and unfashionable wheelchair clothing for the elderly and disabled are gone. Fashion designers and companies have brought adaptive clothing for seniors into the mainstream. How? By focusing equally on functionality, comfort, and style. With technological advancements and modifications tailored to the needs of older adults and people with limited mobility, adaptive…

  • 4 Reasons Why Long-Term Care Planning Is Important

    4 Reasons Why Long-Term Care Planning Is Important

    It’s human nature to avoid creating an official plan for your future. But as you approach your golden years, having a plan in place becomes more essential so your family knows what to do if and when you need help caring for yourself. If you live older than 65, chances are you’ll eventually need some……

  • What To Do When Your Parent Becomes a Picky Eater

    What To Do When Your Parent Becomes a Picky Eater

    Children have a reputation for being picky eaters, but some older adults can give any kid a run for their money. Taking care of your parents as they get older presents all kinds of challenges, including figuring out how to meet their nutritional needs. While it may feel alarming, there are things you can do…

  • Seniors and Pets

    Seniors and Pets

    Elder Care Alliance recognizes that senior life can be intensely lonely. When you no longer have children in your home to provide companionship and conversation, the house can feel unbearably quiet and empty. That’s why many older adults decide to get one or more pets. Dogs are particularly popular among senior adults because they are……

  • Recovery After a Hospital Stay

    Recovery After a Hospital Stay

    There are many reasons older adults may need to stay at a hospital for an extended period. Some may need specialized treatment after falling and breaking a bone. Others may need surgery that requires a lengthy hospital stay. No matter what treatment you or your loved one receive at the hospital, what you do afterward……

  • How To Create a Long-term Care Plan

    How To Create a Long-term Care Plan

    At Elder Care Alliance, we know how important it is to have a long-term plan for whenever you need it. Creating such a plan will relieve much of the burden from your family members if something should happen to you. Sometimes, family members may need to create long-term care plans for their loved ones if……

  • 5 Most Common Health Concerns for Seniors

    5 Most Common Health Concerns for Seniors

    As the human body ages, it becomes more fragile and susceptible to injury and disease. Whether you’re an older adult yourself or you’re the caretaker for one, Elder Care Alliance recommends that you be prepared for all possibilities. From heart disease to injuries from falls, here are five of the most common health concerns for……

  • At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    Maintaining physical health through exercise is essential for people of all ages. Here at Elder Care Alliance, we know regular physical activity is vital for older adults. It can increase energy, decrease illness, and improve mobility. As important as exercise is for the physical body, it’s also a key component of good mental health. Many……