Elder Care Alliance

  • Transforming Age Network Awarded the Great Place To Work® Certification

    Transforming Age Network Awarded the Great Place To Work® Certification

    The Transforming Age Network including Elder Care Alliance is pleased to announce that their national non-profit network has received the Great Place to Work® certification after completing a rigorous 60-point survey of all team members across 80 affiliates. The certification is a testament to the organization’s strong culture and commitment to the Culture of Excellence©,……

  • Indoor Activities in San Francisco and the Bay Area: 10 Top Picks

    Indoor Activities in San Francisco and the Bay Area: 10 Top Picks

    The Bay Area is one of the liveliest and most dynamic places in the world. International and local tourists flock to San Francisco every year to experience the unique culture of Northern California. While there’s plenty to see and do outdoors, sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. Since you live in one of our California communities,…

  • Your Essential Guide to Bathroom Safety for Older Adults

    Your Essential Guide to Bathroom Safety for Older Adults

    Bathrooms can pose serious risks for anyone who is aging. Floors are tiled, surfaces are wet, the space is tight, and everything is made of hard materials. It’s no wonder that 80% of the millions of falls that happen after the age of 65 occur in the bathroom. Continue Reading Your Essential Guide to Bathroom…

  • A Complete Assisted Living Checklist for Moving Your Loved One

    A Complete Assisted Living Checklist for Moving Your Loved One

    For many, a conversation with a loved one about moving into an assisted living community can seem overwhelming. If you are in the process of finding the right community for your loved one, read our tips on how to begin the search for a senior living community.  Continue Reading A Complete Assisted Living Checklist for…

  • The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The days of ill-fitting and unfashionable wheelchair clothing for the elderly and disabled are gone. Fashion designers and companies have brought adaptive clothing for seniors into the mainstream. How? By focusing equally on functionality, comfort, and style. With technological advancements and modifications tailored to the needs of older adults and people with limited mobility, adaptive…

  • Day of Peace

    Day of Peace

    Today’s International Day of Peace focusses on global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable world, but peace begins with each of us. Yesterday a trainer commented, “the world is chaos”. How do you find peace in the chaos of life during this difficult patch of time? I took this picture of a circle of……

  • Fun things to do with your aging relatives during the holiday season

    Visiting your parents and family this holiday season? Instead of staring at the TV, or – even worse – debating politics, try some of these suggestions. Not only are they enjoyable, they provide opportunities to gain insight into how your aging relative is doing. Pull out the photo albums. This is an opportunity to hear……

  • Is it time to consider assisted living for a friend or family member?

    Life decisions can be hard, especially when you’re considering whether to move a loved one into assisted living. Here are some signs that it might be time. Safety concerns. Are you worried about your loved one getting in and out of the shower or tub? Have they recently had a fall or accident? According to the……