Elder Care Alliance

  • How To Create a Long-term Care Plan

    How To Create a Long-term Care Plan

    At Elder Care Alliance, we know how important it is to have a long-term plan for whenever you need it. Creating such a plan will relieve much of the burden from your family members if something should happen to you. Sometimes, family members may need to create long-term care plans for their loved ones if……

  • 5 Most Common Health Concerns for Seniors

    5 Most Common Health Concerns for Seniors

    As the human body ages, it becomes more fragile and susceptible to injury and disease. Whether you’re an older adult yourself or you’re the caretaker for one, Elder Care Alliance recommends that you be prepared for all possibilities. From heart disease to injuries from falls, here are five of the most common health concerns for……

  • At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    Maintaining physical health through exercise is essential for people of all ages. Here at Elder Care Alliance, we know regular physical activity is vital for older adults. It can increase energy, decrease illness, and improve mobility. As important as exercise is for the physical body, it’s also a key component of good mental health. Many……

  • What Is Healthy Aging?

    What Is Healthy Aging?

    What Is Healthy Aging? Growing older can be a wonderful, fulfilling process marked by increased wisdom and deepening personal relationships. At Elder Care Alliance, we understand how important it is to maintain health throughout your golden years to enjoy the best quality of life. Aging healthfully takes effort, but the results are well worth your……

  • Best Pets for Seniors

    Best Pets for Seniors

    It’s no secret that owning a pet can work wonders for a person’s mental health. Pets can also boost physical health by encouraging daily walks and play. For older adults, these benefits can be invaluable in helping them maintain their sense of purpose and fulfillment. But some pets are better at providing companionship than others.……

  • Elder Care Alliance and Transforming Age Join Forces to Enhance Senior Living Services

    Elder Care Alliance and Transforming Age Join Forces to Enhance Senior Living Services

    August 7, 2023 – Seattle, Wash. – Today, Transforming Age and Elder Care Alliance (ECA) are excited to announce that they are affiliating, and ECA is joining the Transforming Age network in a strategic move that brings together the two nonprofit organizations to enhance their shared commitment to enrich the lives of older adults. By……

  • Health Benefits of Pets for Older Adults

    Health Benefits of Pets for Older Adults

    There are many things older adults no longer have to worry about, such as working a full-time job or raising small children. But even though reduced responsibilities may seem good, the extra downtime can induce feelings of loneliness. Pet ownership can provide companionship, comfort and entertainment for people of all ages, including those living out……

  • Positive Steps Towards Preventing Falls

    Positive Steps Towards Preventing Falls

    For younger people, a typical fall might result in some bruising and discomfort, but usually not much worse than that. For older adults, one fall could lead to broken bones and other serious injuries that take weeks or months to heal. Fortunately, most falls can be prevented with some simple precautions. Here are a few……

  • Financial Independence for Older Adults

    Financial Independence for Older Adults

    During the “golden years” (between 65 and 80), many adults are living out their retirement years and no longer have dependents they have to provide for financially. Ideally, the golden years should be relaxed and financially comfortable. But Elder Care Alliance recognizes how easy it can be for older adults to feel stressed and worried……

  • Independence Is Important for Seniors

    Independence Is Important for Seniors

    Independence is one of the hallmarks of adulthood. But as people approach their golden years, they are more likely to experience physical or mental limitations that make it harder to care for themselves. Loss of independence can be a challenge for seniors because it makes them feel less like themselves. It can also impact their……