holistic wellness

  • Eight Fun Activities To Do With Older Adults

    Eight Fun Activities To Do With Older Adults

    In older age, it’s critical to stay busy and connect with friends and family on a regular basis. If you are looking for easy ways to support the older adults in your life, consider pairing them up with your children for routine bonding time. You don’t have to come up with activity ideas for seniors…

  • Four At-Home Exercises for Seniors

    Four At-Home Exercises for Seniors

    Sticking to a regular exercise routine isn’t always possible for older adults. Health issues and injuries can cause setbacks and often lead to older adults feeling out of step with their physical health. Getting moving again might mean starting slow and gentle at home. Here are four at-home exercises for seniors that will improve motivation,……

  • The Acute Rehab Difference

    The Acute Rehab Difference

    When you or a loved one experiences a serious medical event, you will be faced with several decisions about post-hospital care. In the context of health emergencies, these choices can seem overwhelming. Here’s what you need to know about acute rehab and how it differs from skilled nursing care. Why Do Older Adults Need Acute……

  • Tips To Motivate Older Adults To Exercise

    Tips To Motivate Older Adults To Exercise

    Staying active in older age is crucial for good mental and physical health. Exercising regularly can help prevent illness and injury, but it can be daunting, especially for people who live alone or separate from their families. Here are some practical tips to motivate older adults to exercise. Start Slow Keep your expectations in check……

  • The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The Benefits of Adaptive Clothing for Older Adults in Wheelchairs

    The days of ill-fitting and unfashionable wheelchair clothing for the elderly and disabled are gone. Fashion designers and companies have brought adaptive clothing for seniors into the mainstream. How? By focusing equally on functionality, comfort, and style. With technological advancements and modifications tailored to the needs of older adults and people with limited mobility, adaptive…

  • Seniors and Pets

    Seniors and Pets

    Elder Care Alliance recognizes that senior life can be intensely lonely. When you no longer have children in your home to provide companionship and conversation, the house can feel unbearably quiet and empty. That’s why many older adults decide to get one or more pets. Dogs are particularly popular among senior adults because they are……

  • 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors

    10 Surprising Health Benefits of Laughter for Seniors

    Can you remember the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t catch your breath? As an adult, you probably don’t get in as many laughs as you’d like. In childhood, it’s much easier. Children laugh around 300 times per day while adults barely manage to laugh 15 to 20 times. To reap the short…

  • At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    At-Home Workouts That Are Perfect for Older Adults

    Maintaining physical health through exercise is essential for people of all ages. Here at Elder Care Alliance, we know regular physical activity is vital for older adults. It can increase energy, decrease illness, and improve mobility. As important as exercise is for the physical body, it’s also a key component of good mental health. Many……

  • What Is Healthy Aging?

    What Is Healthy Aging?

    What Is Healthy Aging? Growing older can be a wonderful, fulfilling process marked by increased wisdom and deepening personal relationships. At Elder Care Alliance, we understand how important it is to maintain health throughout your golden years to enjoy the best quality of life. Aging healthfully takes effort, but the results are well worth your……

  • Health Benefits of Pets for Older Adults

    Health Benefits of Pets for Older Adults

    There are many things older adults no longer have to worry about, such as working a full-time job or raising small children. But even though reduced responsibilities may seem good, the extra downtime can induce feelings of loneliness. Pet ownership can provide companionship, comfort and entertainment for people of all ages, including those living out……