holistic wellness

  • Your Guide to the MIND Diet

    Your Guide to the MIND Diet

    As an older adult, your body may require more nutrients to maintain bone density, muscle mass, and energy levels. You should also think about eating foods that help slow the rate of potential cognitive decline. One of the best nutrition plans for this purpose is the MIND diet. Here is a brief guide to the…

  • Spring Health Concerns for Seniors

    Spring Health Concerns for Seniors

    Each season brings new challenges and benefits for older adults. In the spring, you may feel excited to get outdoors and participate in your favorite warm-weather activities such as walking, gardening, and bird watching. It’s essential to keep these spring health concerns in mind as you gear up for sunnier days. Too Much Sun After……

  • Spring Activities for Seniors

    Spring Activities for Seniors

    Watching the seasons change is one of the most reliable pleasures of life. As an older adult, taking advantage of good weather and sunny days is important, especially if you’ve been feeling cooped up all winter. Use these activity ideas to embrace all that spring has to offer. Plant Starter Seeds for a Garden Gardening……

  • Six Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

    Six Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

    As the cold days of winter slowly melt away and make room for spring, the clutter around your home may start to bother you. At the same time, choosing a place to begin your annual deep clean can feel overwhelming. Here are six spring cleaning tips for seniors that you can use to enter this……

  • Navigating Social Media for Older Adults

    Navigating Social Media for Older Adults

    The last 100 years have seen lightning-fast progress and many societal changes. As an older adult or a caretaker of an older adult, you may feel unsure about how to take advantage of the digital age. Understanding how to navigate social media can help you and your loved ones have a positive and safe experience……

  • Senior Conversation Starters

    Senior Conversation Starters

    Whether making small talk at the grocery store or catching up with a close friend, you may never worry about feeling at ease when chatting with another person. As people age, conversation can become more overwhelming. Use these conversation starters with your loved one for easier and more meaningful interactions. Tips for Talking to Older……

  • Social Wellness and Seniors

    Social Wellness and Seniors

    For many older adults, being healthy includes eating right, exercising, and visiting the doctor regularly. There’s another aspect of health that often gets overlooked, and that is social wellness. Here’s what you need to know about social wellness and how it impacts the quality of life for seniors. What Is Social Wellness? Social wellness centers……

  • How’s Your Heart – Know the Signs of Heart Disease

    How’s Your Heart – Know the Signs of Heart Disease

    As you age, your doctor will ask questions about your heart health. Heart disease is common and can be challenging to diagnose. It’s crucial to take cardiovascular issues seriously because every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a heart attack. Here’s what you need to know about the signs and symptoms of heart disease.……

  • How’s Your Heart – Dating Again for Seniors

    How’s Your Heart – Dating Again for Seniors

    When it comes to matters of the heart, it’s never easy to put yourself out there. Older adults often describe dating as intimidating, especially because many people decide to date after years or even decades away from the scene. Companionship is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, so if you are interested, here are some……

  • What Happens to Your Heart as You Age

    What Happens to Your Heart as You Age

    Young at heart is more than a sweet phrase encouraging you to maintain a youthful outlook. Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body, and keeping it healthy is vital to living a long and active life. While you shouldn’t be afraid of what happens as you age, it’s helpful to……