Senior Living

  • Home Workouts for Seniors To Increase Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

    Home Workouts for Seniors To Increase Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

    Exercise is important at every stage of life, but it can be challenging to maintain your fitness level as you age, especially if you’re recovering from an injury or living with a medical condition. Staying physically active and strong can increase energy, decrease illness, and improve mood, and you don’t have to join a gym…

  • Don’t Forget To Exercise Your Brain

    Don’t Forget To Exercise Your Brain

    As you get older, you’ll notice more people and organizations urging you to do brain exercises to ward off memory loss and other age-related issues of the mind. How can you determine what’s effective, not just pseudo-science? While you don’t need to download specific apps or buy any equipment, here’s what you need to know……

  • Brain Food For Older Adults

    Brain Food For Older Adults

    When you ask a nutritionist what the healthiest type of diet is, they’ll most likely tell you to “eat the rainbow.” This means choosing fruits, vegetables, grains, and fats in various deep and vibrant colors. As an older adult, this strategy can not only help fill your macro and micronutrient needs, but it can also……

  • Maintaining Brain Health

    Maintaining Brain Health

    As you age, it can feel like your body is changing faster than you can keep up. Losing some of your hearing and muscle mass is natural and normal, as is forgetting where you put the keys. Some age-related changes are difficult to combat, but there are specific things you can do to maintain your……

  • Transforming Age Network Awarded the Great Place To Work® Certification

    Transforming Age Network Awarded the Great Place To Work® Certification

    The Transforming Age Network including Elder Care Alliance is pleased to announce that their national non-profit network has received the Great Place to Work® certification after completing a rigorous 60-point survey of all team members across 80 affiliates. The certification is a testament to the organization’s strong culture and commitment to the Culture of Excellence©,……

  • Benefits of Intergenerational Connections for Older Adults

    Benefits of Intergenerational Connections for Older Adults

    June 1st is Intergenerational Day, a day to reflect on connections made across the age spectrum. In today’s world, bridging the gap between young people and older adults seems harder than ever. Yet, researchers know that it’s critical for people in both groups to maintain meaningful relationships with each other. As you take some time……

  • How To Help Prevent Arthritis as You Age

    How To Help Prevent Arthritis as You Age

    As you age, you may feel aches and pains in new places. If you’re worried about arthritis, talk to your healthcare provider about your risk factors, particularly if you have family members dealing with the condition. While there’s no cure for arthritis, there are some things you can do to help prevent it or keep……

  • Best Pets for Seniors

    Best Pets for Seniors

    There is something incredibly special about the bond between a person and their pet. For older adults, pets can make a positive difference in their quality of life. If your loved one is thinking of getting a pet, you should research your options thoroughly. Some pets are better at providing companionship while others are easier…

  • Arthritis and Older Adults: Five Facts

    Arthritis and Older Adults: Five Facts

    May is Arthritis Awareness Month, and it’s an excellent time to explore this common health issue that impacts one in five adults in the U.S. Arthritis can cause chronic pain and is more prevalent in older adults. Here are five facts about arthritis to help you navigate and manage this health condition. 1. There Are……

  • Spring Health Concerns for Seniors

    Spring Health Concerns for Seniors

    Each season brings new challenges and benefits for older adults. In the spring, you may feel excited to get outdoors and participate in your favorite warm-weather activities such as walking, gardening, and bird watching. It’s essential to keep these spring health concerns in mind as you gear up for sunnier days. Too Much Sun After……