Memory Care

  • Minding Your Memory – Dementia and Alzheimer’s: What’s the Difference?

    Minding Your Memory – Dementia and Alzheimer’s: What’s the Difference?

    You may have noticed that the terms Alzheimer’s and dementia often are used interchangeably. While the two conditions can be similar, they also encompass important differences. Experts note that both conditions remain a mystery in many ways, which explains in part why they sometimes are mistaken for each other. While researchers say they need more……

  • Boost Your Brain Power, Food For Thought

    Boost Your Brain Power, Food For Thought

    Your brain—if it only worked as well as it should, you’d always be able to find your keys, finish projects in half as much time and come up with those witty comebacks on the spot. The good news? Proper nutrition, lifestyle habits and the way you challenge your brain actually can enhance your mental capabilities.……

  • Dementia – Spare the Truth

    Dementia – Spare the Truth

    When someone you love has dementia: Coping strategies for caregivers Caring for a loved one who is ill requires patience and compassion, and when that loved one is suffering from dementia, the caregiver’s role can be especially challenging. Dementia is the name given to a group of conditions that involve a progressive loss of mental……

  • Recognizing Alzheimers When it Strikes (10 warning signs)

    Recognizing Alzheimers When it Strikes (10 warning signs)

    When Mary stopped by her sister Sophia’s for coffee—at Sophia’s request— Sophia seemed surprised to see her. And Mary couldn’t help but notice that Sophia was wearing mismatched shoes. Sophia’s daughter noticed that her mother often forgot not only the names of her grandchildren, but that she even had grandchildren. Sophia’s family was seriously concerned……

  • 5 Ways to Sharpen Your Memory

    5 Ways to Sharpen Your Memory

    Can’t find your keys again? While it’s natural to lose brain cells as you age, take these steps to boost your memory’s muscle. Can’t find your keys again? While it’s natural to lose brain cells as you age, take these steps to boost your memory’s muscle: Go for a walk. Exercise increases blood flow to……

  • Sibling Conflict Over Care

    Sibling Conflict Over Care

    How to face the demands of your parents’ health care needs as a family. Keep the peace with your siblings when dealing with the questions and expense. Fifty years ago it was typical to feel honored to know that your aging parent had chosen to move in with you as opposed to one of your……

  • When the Signs Point to Needing Help

    When the Signs Point to Needing Help

    How to plan for you parents’ move to Assisted Living. The signs are subtle at first, but over time you may become more and more aware that something about your parents has changed. As our parents age, there comes a point where you can no longer ignore the fact that they may need to live……

  • Talking About Quality of Life With Your Aging Parents

    Talking About Quality of Life With Your Aging Parents

    As you and your parents plan for the future, it’s important to understand how they define quality of life. The ability to enjoy a meal with friends or spend time with loved ones may be factors that contribute to quality of life. For others, it may be the ability to get outside and enjoy nature.……

  • Staff Spotlight: Bringing Innovation to California Memory Care

    Staff Spotlight: Bringing Innovation to California Memory Care

    Ashley Hill makes the rounds to spend quality care time with California dementia care residents For Memory Care Specialist Ashley Hill, a typical day at work doesn’t really exist. Continue Reading Staff Spotlight: Bringing Innovation to California Memory Care

  • Helping Your Aging Parent Adjust After a Move

    Helping Your Aging Parent Adjust After a Move

    Here are a few things to think about as you help a loved one adapt to life after moving to an assisted living community. Even when you know that you made the right call by helping your loved one move to a senior living community, the transition is bound to take some time. After all,……