Holistic Wellness

  • What Is Skilled Nursing?

    What Is Skilled Nursing?

    Finding the right level of care for a loved one or yourself as you age can be a challenge. Elder Care Alliance loves to celebrate seniors and recognizes the desire to live independently as long as possible. You can achieve the right balance of independence and living assistance by living in a skilled nursing facility.……

  • Environmental Wellness and Your Health

    Environmental Wellness and Your Health

    Environmental wellness is an integral part of any health-centered lifestyle. It’s a combination of the things and people surrounding you daily at home, work and during recreational activities. Elder Care Alliance understands how vital a healthy and safe environment is for older individuals. Here are a few helpful ways to improve your environment to ensure……

  • Gardening Benefits for Older Adults

    Gardening Benefits for Older Adults

    For many people, gardening is an activity that is enjoyable on many levels. It’s a rewarding hobby that requires consistent effort but yields satisfying results. While people of all ages can benefit from this worthwhile pastime, it’s especially advantageous for older adults. Elder Care Alliance supports community members who want to nurture plants. Here are……

  • Ways to Celebrate Earth Day at Any Age

    Ways to Celebrate Earth Day at Any Age

    Learning how to take better care of the earth is a big movement for younger generations. But many young people don’t realize older adults are just as invested in protecting the earth and its limited resources. Anyone who lived through the Great Depression is likely to value reusable items over their single-use counterparts. It can……

  • How To Volunteer as a Senior

    How To Volunteer as a Senior

    As an older adult, you’re likely to have more time on your hands than you did when you were busy raising a family or advancing your career. To avoid boredom or feelings of declining purpose, it’s wise to look for ways to fill your time with positive things. Many older adults find great fulfillment in……

  • How To Find Purpose In Your Later Years

    How To Find Purpose In Your Later Years

    As you grow older, retire, or become empty nesters, it’s natural to question your purpose. When you’re no longer dedicating your life to raising a family and furthering your career, you may wonder, “What now?” At Elder Care Alliance, we know how vital finding purpose is for seniors. Research shows that a sense of purpose……

  • Benefits of Lifelong Learning

    Benefits of Lifelong Learning

    When you think of the word “learning,” does your mind tend to turn to grade school or college? While these formal settings provide plenty of educational opportunities, learning should not be limited to a particular age group or setting. Elder Care Alliance recommends that you engage in it throughout your life. Here are some benefits……

  • Foods to Add to Your Diet for Heart Health

    Foods to Add to Your Diet for Heart Health

    Keeping your heart healthy into your golden years and beyond is a worthy goal. Since heart disease is the top cause of death in older adults, it’s wise to do everything possible to boost your heart health. The good news is, like any other body muscle, the heart is susceptible to healthy lifestyle changes. It’s……

  • Heart-Healthy Activities for Seniors

    Heart-Healthy Activities for Seniors

    At Elder Care Alliance, we care deeply about the heart health of all our residents. We know that maintaining good heart health involves living a healthy lifestyle. In addition to eating a diet that provides the nutrients your heart needs, it’s also essential to engage in heart-healthy activities. Here are some of our top suggestions……

  • How Much Exercise Is Too Much for Older Adults?

    How Much Exercise Is Too Much for Older Adults?

    Adequate exercise is important throughout all phases of life. Physical activity is required to keep our bodies and minds functioning optimally. Those who live sedentary lifestyles are more likely to suffer from various mental and physical health problems than those who try to stay active. But for the seniors in your life, you may be……