Senior Living

  • Making Music and Bringing Back Memories: Music Therapy at AlmaVia of San Francisco

    No matter what age we are, music is a tool that can transport us to a specific place in time. It evokes memories. Music therapy has become a vital part of the memory care programming at AlmaVia of San Francisco. The Alzheimer’s Association estimated that in 2019, 5.6 million people age 65 and older were……

  • Combatting Osteoporosis Early: Exercises Seniors Can Start Today

    Seniors can start improving bone health and battling osteoporosis with these easy exercises they can start today. As people age and begin to feel the effects of osteoporosis, certain exercises to build strong bones become more important than ever. Check out our exercises to build strong bones. Continue Reading Combatting Osteoporosis Early: Exercises Seniors Can…

  • How to Get Your Parents into Assisted Living

    Spending time with our loved ones is one of life’s great treasures, especially as they age and the time spent together becomes more precious. However, if you’ve been spending that time asking yourself, “How do I get my Mom into assisted living?” because you’ve noticed signs that some extra help is required, it’s time to……

  • Caregivers: How to Keep the Holiday Blues at Bay

    Caregivers: How to Keep the Holiday Blues at Bay

    As the holiday seasons are upon us, this should be a time for joy and celebration. But for some caregivers, this time of the year can bring the blues. Trying to live up to past expectations or cooking the perfect holiday dinner can all add up to a lot of pressure. That stress, combined with……

  • How to Understand and Improve Your Social Wellness

    “When I is replaced with We, even Illness becomes Wellness.” – Malcolm X If you or a loved one has done even the smallest amount of research into senior living communities, you’ve no doubt come across the term holistic wellness. What is holistic wellness, exactly? It’s the idea that to enjoy a full and fulfilling……

  • Senior living 101: Guide to retirement options

    With so many terms, options and styles, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to senior living. When choosing retirement options having a clear and concise understanding is crucial to making the right decision in a home. We’ve clarified common terminology when it comes to senior housing. Use this “Senior Living 101” to guide……

  • Avoiding loneliness as you age/the importance of socialization in seniors

    The holidays are over, and what was supposed to be the most joyous time of the year may have actually been a time that represents sadness for many older adults. Memories of family members that have passed away, struggles from an illness or lack of social interaction may start to cause loneliness and isolation. The……

  • Top nutrition tips for older adults

    As we age, our bodies change and older adults have different nutritional needs than when they were children or middle-aged adults. Gone are the days of fast metabolism, indulging in junk food and endless bouts of energy. Age-related changes can affect how your body processes food and your dietary needs, but there is no need……

  • Five fitness tips for the new year

    January – the perfect time to re-evaluate and prioritize goals, figure out what didn’t work in the past and make New Year’s resolutions. If you are an older adult looking to live a healthier lifestyle in 2019, we’ve put together five fitness tips to help you establish realistic and attainable goals for the new year. Know……

  • Having “the talk” with Mom and Dad

    You just shared the holidays with mom and dad and you are concerned – you noticed they are having a difficult time getting around, their apartment is a mess, and while you can’t put your finger on it, they just don’t seem as “with it” as they have in the past. It may be time……