Financial Planning

  • Can You Afford to Move Mom In?

    Calculate the financial and emotional costs of caring for an aging parent at home. Like many people, you may be assuming that your parent will move in with you if she can no longer live alone. Indeed, caring for an aging parent can be a rewarding experience. However, there are also many financial and emotional……

  • Senior Finance: How to Save Money During Retirement

    Five ways to enjoy retirement without breaking the bank. For many, retirement is a time to do some of the things you put off earlier in life. Take a class. Travel. Find a new hobby. But it’s not easy to ensure that enjoyment doesn’t come at the high price of financial insecurity. When a loved……

  • How to Finance Senior Living: 5 Tips

    There are more resources available than you think to help you afford assisted living. If you’re helping a parent or family member prepare to move into a senior living community, you know there’s a lot to think about. From quality of care to location and personality, every community is different. And once you do find……

  • Financial Expert Spotlight: Rodney Brooks, Retirement Columnist at USA Today

    Personal finance and retirement expert talks financial planning, outreach for seniors. People might think that financial planning is just for the wealthy, but experts know that working with a professional can help everyone, especially seniors—no matter their income bracket. Rodney Brooks, Deputy Managing Editor and Retirement Columnist at “USA Today,” chatted with Elder Care Alliance……