Financial Planning

  • Helpful Mobile Apps for Seniors

    Helpful Mobile Apps for Seniors

    These days, most people carry a smartphone to keep abreast of the latest news and stay in touch with loved ones. But did you know smartphones may help improve your quality of life? By loading your mobile device with helpful applications, you can entertain yourself, continue learning, pay your bills, shop, manage the practical aspects……

  • Steps to Help Seniors Avoid Identity Theft

    Steps to Help Seniors Avoid Identity Theft

    For many seniors, having a nest egg provides peace of mind. Unfortunately, healthy savings accounts often make seniors the targets of identity thieves. Scammers also may consider seniors as easy marks because they can be more trusting than younger people, they may live alone and they often have favorable credit scores. If you’re a victim,……

  • Help Your Loved One Avoid These Top Senior Scams

    Help Your Loved One Avoid These Top Senior Scams

    If you’re over 60, you’ve likely been targeted by scammers looking to clean out your nest egg. Senior scams come in a variety of formats, but they all can have devastating consequences. By educating yourself, you can avoid becoming a victim. If you’re over 60, you’ve likely been targeted by scammers looking to clean out……

  • 8 Steps to Get Started with Estate Planning

    8 Steps to Get Started with Estate Planning

    You may have heard the saying that only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. You may have heard the saying that only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. Thinking about life’s end isn’t how most of us want to spend our Saturday afternoons. But it’s essential to plan for……

  • Care for your Heirs: 8 Estate Planning Steps to take now

    Care for your Heirs: 8 Estate Planning Steps to take now

    Estate planning may not be on top of your to-do list, but taking care of some essentials now will make it much easier on your loved ones in the event of your passing. Think of it as a final kindness to your kin. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing your wishes will be followed.……

  • Helping an Elderly Parent with Estate Planning

    Helping an Elderly Parent with Estate Planning

    Careful estate planning for aging parents can yield significant emotional and financial benefits for the whole family. Broaching the topic of estate planning with elderly or frail parents may feel awkward. But finding a way to start this conversation can be well worth the discomfort. Careful estate planning for aging parents can yield significant emotional……

  • 6 Discussion Points About Senior Living for Financial Planners

    6 Discussion Points About Senior Living for Financial Planners

    Deciding to move to a senior living community is a financial decision as well as an emotional one. For financial planners, talking to your clients about their future care needs as early as possible can help ensure they find a good match for their resources. When working with clients, be ready to discuss: 1. Planning……

  • Financial Tips for Seniors: Estate Planning Basics

    Financial Tips for Seniors: Estate Planning Basics

    Seniors should consider a variety of legal issues when planning for the future. When we think about a gift for our families, an estate plan might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, it’s actually something valuable to give to your loved ones—and a way for you to plan for the future.……

  • Can You Afford to Move Mom In?

    Can You Afford to Move Mom In?

    Calculate the financial and emotional costs of caring for an aging parent at home. Like many people, you may be assuming that your parent will move in with you if she can no longer live alone. Indeed, caring for an aging parent can be a rewarding experience. However, there are also many financial and emotional……

  • Senior Finance: How to Save Money During Retirement

    Senior Finance: How to Save Money During Retirement

    Five ways to enjoy retirement without breaking the bank. For many, retirement is a time to do some of the things you put off earlier in life. Take a class. Travel. Find a new hobby. But it’s not easy to ensure that enjoyment doesn’t come at the high price of financial insecurity. When a loved……