Holistic Wellness

  • Staying Connected Through a Public Health Crisis

    Social distancing is one of the recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help stop the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In the state of California, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order mandating gatherings larger than 250 people to be canceled or postponed until at least the end of March,……

  • Making Music and Bringing Back Memories: Music Therapy at AlmaVia of San Francisco

    No matter what age we are, music is a tool that can transport us to a specific place in time. It evokes memories. Music therapy has become a vital part of the memory care programming at AlmaVia of San Francisco. The Alzheimer’s Association estimated that in 2019, 5.6 million people age 65 and older were……

  • Combatting Osteoporosis Early: Exercises Seniors Can Start Today

    Seniors can start improving bone health and battling osteoporosis with these easy exercises they can start today. As people age and begin to feel the effects of osteoporosis, certain exercises to build strong bones become more important than ever. Check out our exercises to build strong bones. Continue Reading Combatting Osteoporosis Early: Exercises Seniors Can…

  • How to Understand and Improve Your Social Wellness

    “When I is replaced with We, even Illness becomes Wellness.” – Malcolm X If you or a loved one has done even the smallest amount of research into senior living communities, you’ve no doubt come across the term holistic wellness. What is holistic wellness, exactly? It’s the idea that to enjoy a full and fulfilling……

  • Let’s Socialize! Tips to Boost Your Social Wellness

    Whether we’re sipping wine on a Friday evening, visiting a new art exhibit or enjoying a beautiful picnic with friends, social wellness and nurturing ourselves and our relationships with other people plays an integral role in overall health and life at AlmaVia of San Rafael. July is Social Wellness Month, a time to recognize the……

  • Artificial Intelligence: An Emerging Tool in Senior Health

    Over the past decade, technology has brought astounding advances to the daily lives of average people. In the coming years, industry observers expect significant changes for the aging population thanks to one specific type of technology: artificial intelligence. Many believe that through a variety of applications, artificial intelligence — or AI — may offer improved……

  • Smiles, Volunteerism & Intergenerational Connections

    Elder Care Alliance’s vision of engaging hearts, transforming lives and erasing boundaries was on full display recently when AlmaVia of San Francisco elders partnered with elementary school students to help feed the hungry. Residents spent the morning making sandwiches alongside 4th graders from St. Thomas More School, a local school guided by Catholic values and……

  • “The Lost Torah” donated to AlmaVia of San Rafael

    The Fuerstenau/Hamburger/Kodmur Torah had a fascinating and extensive journey before making its way to a special display case at AlmaVia of San Rafael. Here’s the story: This Torah, this sacred scroll, was possibly written by a scribe in Germany in the mid-1800s. It was entrusted to a small congregation in the town of Fuerstenau, a……

  • April is Minority Health Month

    According to the latest U.S. Census, minority individuals constitute about 36 percent of the population. Overall health and life expectancy have improved for most older adults in recent years, but some minority elders continue to face specific health concerns at a higher rate. April is National Minority Health Month, a campaign to educate the public……

  • National Nutrition Month and Eating Right for Your Lifestyle

    Experts offer plenty of advice on optimal eating, but the truth is that one size does not fit all when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Individual nutrition needs vary, and your lifestyle plays a significant role in the types of food you eat — and when and where you eat them. Some people……