Most people have at least one older adult in their life who is special to them, but many are unaware that there’s a month set aside to honor older Americans. Older Americans Month is celebrated in May and is led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL). The theme of 2023’s Older Americans Month is Aging Unbound.
Elder Care Alliance looks forward to Older Americans Month each year. To help you make the most of this special month, here are some ideas for celebrating and participating in this special annual occasion.

What To Know About Older Americans Month
Since it was established in 1963, Older Americans Month has become an occasion many people look forward to. Back in 1963, there were only 17 million Americans over 65. Today, there are over 50 million. As the population of older adults continues to grow, it’s important to consider ways we can help enrich and improve their lives.
Historically, the purpose of setting aside a month to acknowledge older Americans was to acknowledge their past contributions to our country (particularly those who served in the armed forces). While it’s still important to remember those who fought and died for our country, the primary focus of Older Americans Month has shifted a bit since it was first implemented. Now, the occasion is designed to celebrate current older adults’ lives and consider ways to help them continue enjoying a high quality of life.
In line with this year’s theme of Aging Unbound, older adults and their families are invited to discover ways to enjoy the aging process and live independently for as long as possible. Older Americans can enrich their communities in many ways if they stay involved and engaged as they age.
How To Celebrate Older Americans Month
Now that you know more about the history of Older Americans Month, it’s time to figure out how you’ll celebrate with your family this year and in the coming years. Here are some suggestions to help you embrace the theme of “Aging Unbound.”
Strengthen and Form Relationships
People who enjoy a high quality of life in their older years tend to have strong relationships. Use Older Americans Month to strengthen relationships you already have and to form new ones. Quality relationships can boost physical and mental health and provide more profound meaning in life.
Explore the Benefits of Growing Older
Growing older can be a vibrant and rewarding process. During the month of May, consider the many rewards that come along with age. For example, the older you get, the more knowledge and wisdom you tend to develop. Improved confidence also goes hand-in-hand with maturity and life experience.
Stay Involved With Your Community
Staying involved with your community is a great way to improve your own life and the lives of those around you. Consider participating in social clubs, attending local productions and volunteering. People who engage with their communities tend to live more fulfilling lives.
These are just a few ways to make the most of Older Americans Month this year. Give one or more a try and experience how fun and rewarding this special occasion can be.