You’ve probably heard of holistic approaches but aren’t sure what they are. It is a health approach that simultaneously addresses all aspects of wellness, including spiritual, social, purpose, intellectual, emotional, environmental, creative, and physical domains. This practice goes back to cultural roots while incorporating modern medicine to heal people. We at Elder Care Alliance have created a guide so you can better understand this practice.
Holistic Approaches Are Integrated
You probably got here by asking, “What is holistic health?” In short, it is a practice based on the theory that all parts of someone’s life are intimately connected, and separating one to treat it independently is a mistake. In the matter of healing, it means treating the person as a whole, not just their symptoms. Practitioners consider how all domains of wellness are connected to a person’s lifestyle and treat everything to promote well-being.

They Get Back to Cultural Roots
The US medical model is patient-centered. Doctors treat pain and other symptoms without considering how different aspects of someone’s life, such as their eating habits, contribute to their condition.
The medical system is a business, meaning that it is designed to treat as many individuals as possible over a day. Holistic healing draws on cultural traditions to work alongside the medical system and care for patients as a whole while worrying about things like spirituality, nutrition, and mental health.
Who You Might Encounter In the Field
Today, there are plenty of educational opportunities for individuals interested in holistic healing, which means more opportunities for you. Depending on your living situation, you may have access to some of the following professionals.
Naturopathic Physician
Naturopathic physicians are doctors who care for patients using holistic approaches. While most doctors only spend 20 minutes with their patients, naturopathic ones spend one to two hours with their patients on their first visit and 30 to 60 minutes with each following appointment. These doctors attend special medical schools where they learn traditional medicine and natural approaches.
Holistic health can also involve using a nutritionist. These professionals can help you improve your health by eating nutritious foods. They can work alongside your personal and cultural preferences regarding food to improve your diet. When working with a nutritionist, ensure they have the proper credentials. This includes an advanced degree and active certification.
Holistic Mental Health Practitioner
Many mental healthcare providers find that traditional medicine has gaps that holistic approaches can help cover. There are many holistic studies that mental healthcare practitioners are integrating into their practices to provide more comprehensive care. These individuals believe that talk therapy and medication don’t cut it when it comes to coping with traumas and stress. Instead, they use holistic approaches to help improve the well-being of their patients.
Heal Yourself With Holistic Approaches
Holistic healing is a great way to focus on your overall well-being. Our Life Enrichment programming is centered around Holistic Wellness and our eight Domains of Wellness. Contact us today to see if you would be a good fit in one of our communities.