What Is Healthy Aging?
Growing older can be a wonderful, fulfilling process marked by increased wisdom and deepening personal relationships. At Elder Care Alliance, we understand how important it is to maintain health throughout your golden years to enjoy the best quality of life. Aging healthfully takes effort, but the results are well worth your time and work. You should know a few things about healthy aging and how it impacts your mind and body as you age.
Understanding Healthy Aging
Healthy aging means staying well and avoiding disease and illness as you age. Of course, you don’t always have control over how your body and mind age. Your genetics have a powerful impact on your health now and in the future. But you can still make conscious decisions and lifestyle choices to give yourself the best chance of enjoying a long and healthy life.
Natural Changes to Expect as You Age
Not all changes related to aging are caused by disease or poor health. Some shifts in metabolism and physical abilities are a natural part of getting older. Even the healthiest older adults should expect to have much slower metabolisms than they had in their 20s. This means they require fewer calories than they used to.
It’s also natural for eyesight to gradually decline throughout life. Many people discover that they need reading glasses after the age of 40. Some hearing loss is also expected, and you may struggle to follow conversations unless people speak up. Most older adults also have a slower sexual response after age 50.
Most of these changes should develop gradually and are nothing to be alarmed about. But if you ever experience sudden or severe changes in any of these areas, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider. There may be an underlying health condition causing your symptoms.
What to Do to Age Healthfully
A healthy lifestyle can help keep your mind and body sharp and healthy into your senior years. Here are some of the most important lifestyle habits you should practice, starting now:
• Get at least seven hours of sleep each night
• Eat a healthy diet with plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods
• Stay physically active and aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise each week
• Schedule regular cancer screenings and checkups with your doctor
• Manage chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol
In addition to all these habits focused on physical health, paying close attention to your mental health is essential. Many older adults develop depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders that can severely impact their quality of life. Talk to a mental health professional if you experience any of these things. These conditions can be managed with coping strategies, medications, and lifestyle interventions.
Growing older doesn’t mean the best years of your life are behind you. Many seniors are surprised to discover just how fulfilling these years can be. The key is to take steps to age healthfully so you can fully enjoy these years of your life.
Growing older can be a wonderful, fulfilling process marked by increased wisdom and deepening personal relationships. At Elder Care Alliance, we understand how important it is to maintain health throughout your golden years to enjoy the best quality of life. Aging healthfully takes effort, but the results are well worth your time and work. You should know a few things about healthy aging and how it impacts your mind and body as you age.Understanding Healthy Aging
Healthy aging means staying well and avoiding disease and illness as you age. Of course, you don’t always have control over how your body and mind age. Your genetics have a powerful impact on your health now and in the future. But you can still make conscious decisions and lifestyle choices to give yourself the best chance of enjoying a long and healthy life.
Natural Changes to Expect as You Age
Not all changes related to aging are caused by disease or poor health. Some shifts in metabolism and physical abilities are a natural part of getting older. Even the healthiest older adults should expect to have much slower metabolisms than they had in their 20s. This means they require fewer calories than they used to.
It’s also natural for eyesight to gradually decline throughout life. Many people discover that they need reading glasses after the age of 40. Some hearing loss is also expected, and you may struggle to follow conversations unless people speak up. Most older adults also have a slower sexual response after age 50.
Most of these changes should develop gradually and are nothing to be alarmed about. But if you ever experience sudden or severe changes in any of these areas, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider. There may be an underlying health condition causing your symptoms.
What to Do to Age Healthfully
A healthy lifestyle can help keep your mind and body sharp and healthy into your senior years. Here are some of the most important lifestyle habits you should practice, starting now:
- Get at least seven hours of sleep each night
- Eat a healthy diet with plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits, and other whole foods
- Stay physically active and aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise each week
- Schedule regular cancer screenings and checkups with your doctor
- Manage chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol
In addition to all these habits focused on physical health, paying close attention to your mental health is essential. Many older adults develop depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders that can severely impact their quality of life. Talk to a mental health professional if you experience any of these things. These conditions can be managed with coping strategies, medications, and lifestyle interventions.
Growing older doesn’t mean the best years of your life are behind you. Many seniors are surprised to discover just how fulfilling these years can be. The key is to take steps to age healthfully so you can fully enjoy these years of your life.