Heart-Healthy Activities for Seniors

At Elder Care Alliance, we care deeply about the heart health of all our residents. We know that maintaining good heart health involves living a healthy lifestyle. In addition to eating a diet that provides the nutrients your heart needs, it’s also essential to engage in heart-healthy activities. Here are some of our top suggestions for activities seniors can do to keep their hearts strong.

heart healthy activities for older adults


The more you can move your body instead of staying sedentary, the better off your heart is. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting at least 150 minutes of activity a week. Walking briskly every day is a great way to meet this recommendation. Walking briskly can boost your heart health without tiring you out too quickly.

Water Aerobics

For many older adults, jarring movements can be hard on the joints. That’s why water aerobics is one of the best heart-healthy activities for seniors to engage in. It doesn’t jar the joints and is considered a low-impact activity that delivers big results. Water aerobics can improve blood circulation problems and boost heart function. It can also reduce joint pain and improve lung function.

Weight Lifting

If you think weightlifting is just for young sprites, think again! Lifting weights and engaging in other forms of resistance training is an excellent way to strengthen your muscles, bones and heart as you age. Be careful only to lift weights you can comfortably and safely handle. Work up to heavier weights slowly as you strengthen your muscles and heart.


Hiking is one of the most fun, heart-healthy activities for seniors. Exploring new trails and getting out in the sunshine is always enjoyable. In addition to strengthening your heart, hiking can improve your mood and help you enjoy a higher quality of life.

Group Exercise Classes

If you have difficulty getting motivated to work out daily, try enrolling in a group exercise class. Working out with others is generally easier and more fulfilling than working alone. In addition to developing a stronger mind, body and heart, you’ll also develop relationships with others.


Cycling is often recommended for older adults because it’s very gentle on the joints. Anyone can ride a bike, regardless of their fitness level. You can also invest in an electric bicycle if you need some help pedaling over hills. Cycling has long been considered one of the more enjoyable heart-healthy activities for seniors.


If you’ve never played pickleball before, you’re missing out. This fun and engaging activity provides excellent cardio-respiratory benefits. Playing the game just three days a week for one hour each day can improve cholesterol and blood pressure levels, as well.


Like pickleball, tennis makes it fun to improve your heart health. It gives your mind, body and heart a great workout. It requires more movement than pickleball because of the larger court. So if you’re not comfortable running around a tennis court, try starting with pickleball, then move up to tennis when ready.

These activities all have two things in common: they’re fun to do, and they’re great for your heart. If you’ve been looking for heart-healthy activities you can do regularly, try one or more of the suggestions from the above list. At Elder Care Alliance communities, we provide daily exercise and fitness classes to keep our residents healthy and moving.

For help or more information contact us or schedule a visit at a location today.