August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day. It’s an excellent opportunity to honor the older adults you love and treat them to a fun celebration of their lives. If you’re unsure how to celebrate this fun occasion, here are a few suggestions from Elder Care Alliance.

Invite Them to Teach You Something New
Does your grandpa have a talent for whistling? Can your great-aunt make a mean beef stew? Does your mom have a knack for crocheting? Invite the older adults in your life to teach you something new. They’ll enjoy being of assistance and simply spending quality time with you.
Take Them Out Using Their Senior Discount
It’s not unusual for older adults to spend less time eating out or enjoying activities outside their homes because it’s harder for them to get out on their own. You can help boost their social interaction by taking them out in honor of National Senior Citizens Day. If you’re on a budget, keep in mind that they can use their senior discount to help lower the cost of taking them out.
Reminisce Over Photographs and Journals
Walking down memory lane can be a fun activity with your older loved ones. You can reminisce over photographs and journals and invite them to share life stories from when they were younger. This activity can help build familial bonds and is also great for memory health and mental stimulation.
Visit Them in Their Elder Care Communities
Do you have one or more loved ones who live in an Elder Care Alliance community? Put some extra time aside to be with them on National Senior Citizens Day. Sometimes sitting and visiting is all your loved ones need to feel loved and appreciated. You might also ask to meet some friends they have made in their community. Meeting those close to your loved ones can help give you peace of mind that they are well cared for.
Encourage Them to Share Their History With You
If your older loved one doesn’t have a journal or written history, consider helping them create one. For example, you might ask them to tell you some stories from their life while you capture their memories using your phone or a tape recorder. Or, you might decide to jot down notes on a pad of paper while they recount their personal history. Do whatever is easiest for you and helps you preserve their history for future generations.
Host a Luncheon to Celebrate
A small luncheon or at-home party can be a great way to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day. Include your older loved one’s favorite foods and treats, and consider playing music from their era.
Volunteer for Projects That Benefit Older Adults
There are approximately 47,000,000 seniors living in the United States. Many of these older adults need some help to live comfortably. If you have the time, you may want to volunteer your time or resources in honor of National Senior Citizens Day. For example, you can visit a local memory care community or volunteer to deliver one or more meals through the Meals on Wheels organization. Sharing your talents and abilities with others can help enrich the lives of older adults.
At Elder Care Alliance, we celebrate our residents every day. Make sure to honor those older adults in your life.