Benefits of Intergenerational Connections for Older Adults

June 1st is Intergenerational Day, a day to reflect on connections made across the age spectrum. In today’s world, bridging the gap between young people and older adults seems harder than ever. Yet, researchers know that it’s critical for people in both groups to maintain meaningful relationships with each other. As you take some time on Intergeneral Day to connect with the young people in your life, embrace the benefits of intergenerational connections for older adults.

Understanding Intergenerational Connections

Intergenerational connections are relationships between older adults and people younger than them. These relationships can bridge one or more generations. They can happen between grandparents and their grandchildren, mentors and their mentees, teachers and their students, volunteers and the people they interact with.

Connecting with younger people might not feel as easy as it used to, but it’s well worth the effort. Researchers have presented strong evidence suggesting that older adults with meaningful relationships with younger people have a better overall quality of life.

Benefits of Intergenerational Connections for Older Adults. Grandmother, Mother, and daughter sit together.

Benefits of Cross-Generational Relationships

It isn’t easy to study the physical and mental impacts of cross-generational relationships, but researchers have been doing it for decades. The benefits of these relationships are far-reaching.

Social Health

Social health is a central pillar of well-being. Older adults with access to community and meaningful relationships have better health markers than those isolated.

Forming close bonds with the younger generation allows you to interact regularly and keep yourself active in your community. Whether you volunteer to mentor underprivileged youth or spend the weekend with your grandchildren, intergenerational connections can keep you grounded and content.

Mental Health

Cross-generational relationships support good mental health. Research suggests that older adults who maintain strong connections with younger people feel less lonely and have fewer instances of experiencing depression.

Heart Health

Keeping up with young people can be challenging but great for your heart. On the one hand, you may be running around with your grandchildren or volunteering to coach or chaperone an activity at your local community center. These activities are important for your physical well-being, but there’s another benefit for your heart.

When you have meaningful relationships, it’s easier to deal with stress. The less stress you put on your body, your heart will be healthier.

Brain Health

Like many older adults, you may worry about whether or not you’ll experience cognitive decline as you age. Spending time with young people helps keep your brain active. You learn new information and have the opportunity to share your perspective and knowledge. Many older adults report that interacting meaningfully with young people feels like “dusting off the cobwebs” and helps them remember things more easily.

Join a Mindful Community of Older Adults

If you’re overwhelmed with managing a home in your later years, transitioning to an elder care community may alleviate some of the daily stress. Not only do you enjoy high-quality amenities and safety, but you also get to join a community of mindful older adults who care as much about the next generation as you do. Schedule a visit to one of our communities to discover the difference holistic care makes.

For help or more information contact us or schedule a visit at a location today.