Green 2030
Sustainability is central to our mission at Elder Care Alliance. Making innovative changes that will help us adapt to and be stewards of the environment to serve our communities in a greater capacity now and for generations to come.

“Going Green is not optional for Elder Care Alliance. It is central to creating thriving communities of purpose rooted in holistic wellbeing.”
Adriene Iverson, President and CEO, Elder Care Alliance
It has become increasingly clear that our efforts to ensure wellbeing in our communities are being hindered by severe ecological threats. Because stewardship is in our DNA, Elder Care Alliance is compelled to call upon the roots of its founding and has carefully crafted a four-tiered program to counteract the current state of environmental affairs – Green 2030. This multi-year strategic plan will guide leadership and staff at Elder Care Alliance in decision-making that has a more positive impact on our planet.
By 2030, ECA will have the systems and leadership in place to:
- Source 20% more food safely and locally to improve human health and protect the environment.
- Divert 20% more waste away from landfills
- Convert 20% more of our energy-using functions to cleaner and greener materials and fuels
Four Major Components
The plan’s four significant components reflect Elder Care Alliance’s mission, vision, and values and articulate an achievable but ambitious portfolio of activities:
- Environmental Leadership
- Flourishing Food
- Wise Production & Waste
- Smart Equipment & Energy
Among the specific changes we’ll be making:
- Greater than 50% of our produce will be sustainable and/or local by 2030
- 90% of our cleaning products will be plant-based by 2023
- 100% paperless in our HR, Finance, and IT teams by 2030